Marine Rescue Queensland Jacobs Well

We’re open 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year serving the boating public

Introducing MRQ Jacobs Well
New name.
Same friendly faces.
Still rescue ready.
In December, VMR Jacobs Well will be known as MRQ Jacobs Well.
We will have new uniforms and branding, but you can be assured you will still see the same friendly faces and benefit from the same local expert knowledge when you are out on the water.
Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ) launched in July 2024 as the state’s first single, integrated marine rescue service.
By the end of 2025, 46 units from Volunteer Marine Rescue and Australian Volunteer Coast Guard will become MRQ units and will operate as a single, integrated service boasting more than 2,800 members.
What does this mean for marine rescue in Jacobs Well and for our on-water community?
MRQ’s core role is to provide marine assistance to people, or vessels, in difficulty or distress.
As a Queensland Government-funded service, boaties seeking assistance from MRQ Jacobs Well will automatically be covered for the cost of rescue services and you will no longer need your Marine Assist membership for assistance.
This means MRQ Jacobs Well will stop accepting payments for Associate Marine Assist Members from 01-Dec-2024 All memberships will remain current until we transition to MRQ where everyone will receive assistance as normal.
Once we transition to MRQ, our unit will provide rescue services at no cost to the boating community when they face difficulty or distress.
If you require on-water assistance in other areas which have not yet transitioned to MRQ, you will need to continue contacting the local VMR or Coast Guard unit and cover any costs with that unit directly.
Continue to log-on and off as normal. MRQ will be launching a new app – the MRQ App – in the next six months.
Our rescue capability and operating hours remain the same.
Our unit is proud to be continuing the history of marine rescue activities in the Jacobs Well area.
Remember, if you need help on the water, contact us using VHF radio channels 16 or 82, by calling the base directly on 5546 1100, or calling our new 131MRQ (131 677) hotline. If you are in a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
Marine Rescue Jacobs Well can be reached 24/7, 365 days a year
VHF Radio 16, 67, 82 | 27MHz Radio 88, 91 | Phone 07 5546 1100 or 131MRQ (131677)
Marine Rescue Jacobs Well operates from Moreton Bay to the Gold Coast Broadwater, the North Arm of the Coomera River, and including the Logan and Albert Rivers, Jumpinpin Bar and Offshore waters east of North and South Stradbroke Islands.
Whilst our primary role is Search and Rescue and providing Queensland Ambulance First Response on the water we also offer assistance with groundings, flat batteries, break downs, out of fuel.
We are manned 24/7 by VOLUNTEERS and duties performed can mean the difference between life and death.